Countdown to the end of being FTWM

Woke up with an eye infection and had to excuse myself from work. Taking this day off was really worthwhile as I got to experience how life will be after June 17 2008.

Managed to spend some quality time with Kyle and got thoroughly amused by his antics, he is one funny little guy. Belle, our domestic help seems to have a way to get Kyle to take his routined naps in the morning and then in late afternoon. This has been rather challenging for me, as Kyle does not seem to want to take any naps when he is with Keith and I, all he wants to do is to just play and play…

Another problem that Kyle has is that he is not able to self-soothe himself to sleep, as he has got rather used to Belle carrying him to sleep, does not really help when he is getting rather heavy. Really hope that he will get out of this stage soon and when the time comes for me to take over, I will be able train him to self-soothe himself to sleep . Not proud to admit that I am rather dependent on my domestic help at this point when it comes to putting Kyle to bed :( Alas, the agony of a working mother…

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