Archives for May 2008

Meltdown 3.0

Just ended battle with another major meltdown for the past half an hour. Kyle got into another tantrum and was crying and screaming for half an hour, stopped and turned to look at the TV screen for like a mere 5 seconds when Keith switched on the TV, and then returned to his crying.

I have got a strong-willed child and he seems to be really stubborn and extremely determined to get what he wants. Something that I have learnt today; there is not much allowance for flexibility when it comes to ensuring that Kyle gets his naps in the day. Realised that this tantrum is also a result of exhaustion as he only managed to nap for less than an hour this morning and another 20 mins this afternoon. And then followed by a dip in the baby pool for 45 mins this evening with Alex.
Picture of a contented toddler; in the car this afternoon with his new steering wheel toy.
More Pictures of a happier toddler when Alex came by to Nana’s house this evening for a swim…
That’s Alex, one of the most responsive 17 month old I have seen. Although she has limited language skills, she is a great communicator, very good at letting her mom Linda knows what she wants and also a strong-willed little girl. Did I mention that she is a joy to feed?

It is really funny to watch them interact with one another as they have not quite started playing together, it’s more like playing alongside one another. However they seem rather comfortable with each others’ company, I have caught a few occasions when they communicated with each other with their eee’s and ah’s.

Attempting little jumping jacks with grand-dad’s help
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Strawberries, spice and somethings not so nice

It’s official, Kyle is stuck with me from the 14-21st June, whether he likes it or not. Belle, my domestic help will be going back to the Philippines to settle some of her personal issues and it still remains to be seen whether she return to Singapore. We trust that she will come back, however, at the same time, will be prepared to get a new maid if she doesn’t.
So looks like I will get a taste of being a full-time SAHM for that week. Rather looking forward to it, also, feeling a little bit of apprehension when I wonder how patient will I be when faced with a tantrum throwing, screaming toddler.
Just experienced another bout of Kyle’s tantrums yesterday, the second one in 2 weeks. We were invited to Keith’s business associate’s house for a bbq, from the start, Kyle was a little unsure of the environment and did not seem too comfortable. However the meltdown started when Keith walked away to join his friends at the rooftop garden. For a good 20 mins, he just started screaming and crying and refused to stop. We had to leave Keith’s friend’s house while Kyle was still yelling away…
Read that tantrums are rather common for toddlers between 1-2 years old, due to the fact that most of them are not able to articulate their needs and wants. When the caregivers do not know what he/she wants, the child gets frustrated as a result.
I am looking forward when Kyle turns 18 months, according to the book ‘What’s going on in there – How the brain and mind develops in the first 5 years of life’ by Dr Lise Eliot., the next cognitive development of the child will occur will he turns 18-20 months. This is when the motor and sensory maturation are largely complete, the child will start to focus on higher mental skills. Language will not only be the only intelluctual leap that toddlers will make, there will also be an emergence of self-control.
I suppose that is when it will be much easier managing Kyle from there, read my entry on how to turn the ‘terrible’ in the term ‘terrible twos, threes and fours’ into ‘terrific’ in my Kids and Parenting blog

Kyle turned 14 months yesterday, I am beginning to hear an attempt at language when he speaks at times. But it still sounds more like funny little sounds and exclamations :)

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More adventures in Gymboree

Kyle gets rather obsessed with rubber balls in all sizes. He throws it, plays ‘hockey’ style with his ELC golf clubs or tennis racket, rolls it on the ground, etc. He often seems more interested in playing with the ball during Gymboree class than trying out the various activity set ups.

This time round, he seemed all gamed to try out the big canvas slide…

The segment of bubble time never fails to get his attention, see his look of anticipation when the teacher announced it was ‘bubble time’. If only he could show that level of enthusiasm during meal times…

Each session of Gymboree always seem rather short as Kyle always gives an expectant look at the end of the session, as if he still hasn’t played enough and is expecting more. Can’t wait for the end of my stint as FTWM, as Kyle will then get more opportunities to attend play gyms and other toddler classes on the weekdays.

Love the vibrancy of colours reflected in the pictures taken. I think that creating a colourful environment for the children can help to stimulate their visual senses and brighten up their experience in class.

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