Archives for August 2010

To bear fruit

I don't live a perfect life.

In fact none of us in this world do. Neither am I that fabulous parent with a perfect child, who is always obedient and a dream to teach. Many times I think I move through this parenting journey through alot of trial and error. Often I fail to manage my child well and I know I have a challenging child who tests his limits all the time.

However I have no qualms sharing my challenges openly on this blog. I believe in being honest with myself, as well as with friends that read this blog. There are many parenting blogs that I have come across, that seem to portray such perfect children and the parent seems to be such 'enlightened' parents, knowing exactly what to do to nurture inquisitive and intelligent children, performing far ahead of their peers. It's all about the results, most will say. Being a good parent is all about setting your child to be a high performer and nurturing him/her for a life of success in their adult years. Some others advise, If you can't deliver good enough results, outsource it to the 'experts'.

Can the roles of parenting be outsourced to the experts? Maybe if it is possible, I believe some parents will surely consider this option. With the onset of conception, each parent is entrusted with a life to love, protect, guide and nurture. Contrary to what the world have programmed for most of us to think, a good parent is not just one who is able to develop an obedient child, or one who have succcessfully brought up an over-achiever to perform beyond the list of capabilities that the parent has set out for every stage of his/her life. If parents are being evaluated on these deliverables, I think many of us would have failed terribly in our role as a parent.

Whether we chose fulfill this role or not, all parents are the first teachers for their children, and I think every parent is more than capable to be that effective teacher. Don't let anyone discredit your ability. Just because the results are not ideal for that moment, it does not mean that a parent should throw in the towel and give up fulfilling their nurturing role. Don't let the world's negative standards get to you when they say that you are not doing well enough.

Parenting is rewarding, but it is also a hard and a testing journey at times. But I take heart in these trials. Not that I am a masochist and like to myself and others to be tortured. But I believe that each and every parent is entrusted with the child for the purpose of pruning our character. I know that I am being pruned to create fruit in my life. Pruning involves cutting and breaking of branches, that can hurt, but growth comes.

This pruning is done with tender care by the master gardener who knows what to do to produce the best crop, the best growth. I need God to shape me more and more to bear fruit of love, patience, peace and self-control.

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me – 2 Corinthians 12:9

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His (my) Pets

'Pets'. I have been trying not the mention the word since the day 50% of K's guppies were massacre by his over-enthusiastic, heavy-handed use of the net, when he 'helped' to clean the fish tank. Those fishes that Dh bought lasted less than 6 months and we woke up one morning to guppies floating motionlessly in the tank. I still cannot quite figure out what caused the tragedy; a possible contamination in the water, a careless helper who forgot to condition the water or the fishes could have died simply due to stress.

I was hoping that the fish episode will be over and his desire to own a pet will be forgotten, until he reaches an age when he can take care of the pet himself. However, in an effort to encourage him to stop using diapers for his 'big business', indulgent daddy promised him a hamster.

When the day the milestone was achieved, dh brought K out to the pet-store and rewarded him with not just one, but two dwarf hamsters. And the overall bill including the ancillaries of the cage and food came up to almost $300! Pets really don't come cheap these days.

Here's Ah-Go (a pearl-belly coloured dwarf hamster)

and Doh-Doh (a pudding coloured dwarf hamster)

K gave his hamsters rather strange names, after all, I can't expect a 3 year old to be giving them traditional pet names like Lucky or Cutie. The two hamsters are still rather terrified of K at this moment, Ah Go recently let out a loud squeak and pee-ed on dh's palm when K got over enthusiastic and squeezed him a little too hard. It is still alive and healthily scurrying around the cage. 

Hamsters are not as exciting or responsive as dogs, but they are rather fun to watch. They are fairly easy to care for, in fact, K is so willing to help to put food for the hamsters daily and even helped to clean the cage a few days ago. I have been rather eager to introduce new types of vegetables to them, no wonder on the day the hamsters were brought home from the pet shop, dh said this, "Ah-Go is Kyle's and Doh-Doh is mummy's pet," and gave me this 'I am sure you wouldn't mind that' kind of grin.

Secretly, I think I want a dog but don't want the responsibility of caring for one. I just have to make sure that I don't visit the pet store too often (that we bought Ah-Go and Doh-Doh from) and still see that same Schnauzer who has lost its puppy appeal, longingly looking out of his cage with its tear-stained eyes, hoping for that someone to bring him home. I am still convinced that I don't quite fancy that breed of dogs, besides, it will be hard having 2 hamsters and a dog and expect them to live harmoniously under the same roof. 

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In a mood for the games

Getting into the spirit of YOG, K wanted to change into his swimming gear and participate in his own segments;


Weight-lifting with my bolster

See the grit and determination in his expression…



His attempt at backstroke swimming on my bed.

The springs on my bed has taken a beating from his constant 'diving'…


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