One is just nice, thank you.

Hb and I have finally come to a decision that we will stop at one. For the past two years, we have been toying with the idea that it will be nice to have a second child. I procrastinated when Kyle turned 1, then 2, 3 and when he finally turned 4, we started facing some major challenges on our home front, thus decided that it is best that we continue to do our best as parents of one child and not try to stretch our resources (time, attention and financial) by having another one.

Maybe it is a tinge of self-centredness on our end to have motivated this decision. No doubt that the both of us love kids, But somehow the thought of having another and then taking the time and effort to bring up another is a daunting thought for us. We are probably a couple that think too much, I suppose. 

I am enjoying the freedom that comes along with having one child a little much at this point, that I am not willing to give it up. I appreciate the time I now have to pursue other interests. Besides, I am convinced that I make a better parent of one than a parent of two or more.

Who knows…if this little one becomes less adorable when he grows, we might suddenly craved to be parents of another bundle of joy. Who knows really? We will cross that bridge when we come to it.

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  1. u know what Rachel? I have exactly the same sentiments as u!!!!!

    Now I don’t feel so alone being in this position :) For a while, I was also wondering why u are the only few blogger moms that I know that is the same; parent of one child. Then when I began to get a glimpse of your interests through your blog and FB updates…I understood how similar we are when it comes to wanting to stay status quo.


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