The day after Christmas

It’s boxing day and I am back at work, obviously boxing day have no purpose in Singapore’s culture when it is an official work day. My Christmas mood has dissapated from the very moment I woke up this morning for work, really hate this feeling.

Life at work is really dull now, seemed to have lost its novelty. I think I am a sucker for living on the edge at work; hectic timelines, direct accountability for profit and loss, driving activities towards sales, big bang events, spending millions of dollars for marketing…did not matter at all that I don’t travel as much. Loved that autonomy to make decisions for the business, taking risks and reaping the rewards through growing the brand.

Work is more big picture; managing launch to markets, get to fiddle with mobiles, in a nutshell, a project manager for launches. The mobile phone industry is exciting, probably more than the previous industry I used to work in, but somehow I don’t feel that I am in the heartbeat of things. Maybe that’s how things are when you are not involved in implementation.

So how have I progress? I don’t think I have at work, I don’t seem to be learning anything new. It’s so easy to fall into a comfortable spot being where I am now, but the irony is, being too comfortable at work is making me feel kind of uncomfortable.

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