
Posts on Faith:

Spirituality Oct 2010

What About God Sept 2011 

Facts from the Bible about Christmas Dec 2012

This Thing we call Church in Singapore Aug 2013

An Appointment in Indonesia Nov 2013 

7 and 17 : My Gifted Numbers as a Mom March 2013

Why I don’t celebrate Good Friday or Easter April 2014 

Truth In Love Jul 2014

Exit Mediocrity Oct 2014

The Search for a Church Nov 2014

Rapha Nov 2014

The Start of My Adventures Walking with the Holy Spirit


Jan 2015

Hands can be used for Healing Jan 2015

Onward to 39 and thriving


Aug 2017

Who do you say I am?


Feb 2018

Why Christians don’t get Healed


My Story:

Accepted Christ as my Saviour at 11 at a Children’s Church Camp in a Methodist Church, grew up in a Christian family who only prayed together around food during special occasions, like Christmas or the New Year.

If Christianity was something that could be passed down in a family, I would be like a second-generation Christian in my family.

Church was just a family activity on Sunday mornings. I looked forward more to the family lunch at some fancy cafe or eating place after church, more than attending church. The bible for me then, seemed more like a compilation of old stories of eccentric characters who did strange things.

I think my parents trusted Sunday School too much, as they depended on Sunday School teachers to teach me what they felt I needed to know about God. I have never encountered any Sunday School teacher, in that many years of attending Sunday School, who has successfully got me interested in the Christian faith.

Eventually, when I graduated from University and started joining the workforce, I decided that the church that my parents were attending were not really for me.

It was a few years after this, that I got swept into joining a megachurch which was focused on the ‘grace doctrine’, served in a ministry (was a church usher), and in the delusion of thinking that I knew what being a Christian really meant.

Spent the next 7 years in the megachurch, left in 2007, and spent the next 5 years searching for a church that I never found, and gave up with church altogether in 2012.

The last 7 years of being in the ‘wilderness’ (2007-2014), was when I experienced the most upheavals in my life, but it was also where I discovered God on my own and fully taught by the Holy Spirit. I have learnt more than I ever did about my walk and relationship with God in these 7 years, then all the years combined of attending any church or fellowship.

I realised, part of growing and maturing in my Christian walk, is the discipline to read the Bible daily, set aside time to talk to God through prayer, as well as the continued dependence on the Holy Spirit to teach God’s revelation behind the written word.

One can never learn enough about the things of God! Having a teachable spirit will make the difference.

I pray to have an attitude of pure and complete humility to God, to surrender my thinking, my all and my future to Him. To constantly hunger to hear from Him, so that I can be transformed into all He has uniquely made me to be, to be completely moldable in the hands of the Divine Potter.

May I become a vessel fit for the Master’s use, a vessel of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit!


My son K is born in 2007, it was the year that I left the megachurch, then faced many trials and difficulties with my life. The spiritual journey from 2007-2017, 10 years in all, where spiritually I walked into the wilderness, where I faced many Giants in my life. God use every single Giant to help me learn to yield fully to Him, and all about what He has called me to be. What I have learnt, that it is necessary to face our GIANTS in the wilderness (very much like Caleb and Joshua) in order to come into the Promise Land.

The year 2017, was my 10 year turning point.  A time when I received restoration, blessing and recompense that have far outweighed any loss, pain, lost time especially, and grief that I have experienced in the area of my destiny and calling. Going into 2018, has been nothing short of amazing, and I am barely halfway through it.

Onward, forward, towards the Promise Land that He has for me!


  1. Michael Tan says:

    Hi Rachel
    Had enjoyed your posts but not the part about “Often the cause of illnesses in Children is generational, issues that are not resolved on the parent’s or grandparent’s end that are passed down to the children.”
    Care to share the scripture to back this statement.
    By the way, which church are you attending now?


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