Home-learning made easy

I am thrilled to announce the launch of the new website; myplayschool.net!

If you are parent of a 18 month – 6 years old child, myplayschool.net is THE resource to go to home-learning. You will find a chockful of activities and ideas to teach your toddler or preschooler at home. With myplayschool.net, you really don't need to be an educator to be able to teach your child at home.

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  1. Wow, congrats on another new biz of yours : )
    Cool! You are indeed a supermom!

    Thanks Tin…not really a supermom since I still get help on the domestic front :)

  2. To be honest before I had kids I wasn’t too much for homeschooling, bumped into a couple of home-schooled kids and they were kinda, how should i put it, robotic?

    Then I started to read up a bit more on it objectively and am now seriously considering it as an option. So great that you’ve got a resource up on that, and of course, congrats!

    Thanks! Home-learning is a bit different from the concept of Home-schooling. I still put Kyle in mainstream school so it cannot be considered full time home-schooling. Home-learning is basically supplementing with learning activities at home and it’s a way of bonding with your kids. Even full time working moms can start home-learning with their kids.

  3. Congratulations! Great resources for mums like me who’s interested in homeschooling but dunno where to start. Will definitely visit your website often.

    Thanks for your kind support Ing.

  4. Yay! :) I visited the site, and think its great! Thanks for compiling all the activities etc, it’s going to be a really useful resource…
    .-= Jus´s last blog ..Its a working Wednesday… =-.

  5. I popped by the site, and its great! Any chance there’ll be activities for those below 18 months? :) Thanks again!
    .-= Jus´s last blog ..Its a working Wednesday… =-.

    Thanks for the compliments Justina. We are looking at putting in activities for 18 months and below…except that there is so much lined up to write for now :)

  6. Hi, I used to do home learning when my elder one was below 1 year old till I have run out of idea. Now that I know where to look for ideas for my second one. :)
    .-= shuey´s last blog ..When the King of the House Put on His Crown =-.

    Actually we have have much activities planned for children below 18 months at this point :), usually I will encourage alot of exploration and sensory activities for kids below 18 months. Home-learning is more suited for kids 24 months and above, you probably will find more things suited for ZX rather than little ZX.