Pho in Chinatown?

A week of being stuck at home has left me with plenty of cravings, so I made dh and the little one come along with me in search of Vietnamnese Pho.


K wasn't in his best of moods today so I could hardly get a grin from him for the photos.


Since we rarely spend time around this part of Singapore, I brought my cam along to snap some pictures of Chinatown.


There are so many sights and colours that is hard to capture with a moody little boy and a hungry dh in tow. So my next visit with the cam to Chinatown has to be sans the little boy and the man.




When we finally got our Pho, it turned out to be a great disappointment. So unsatifying until I did not bother to capture any shots of it. So I have learnt that one should never go to Chinatown and try any other cuisine other than Chinese food.


And the boy was in his best, "I don't want to eat anything" mood. I suppose the Pho was really no good according to his gourmet tastebuds.


So my search for good Pho continues…

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  1. We found a pretty decent pho over in Suntec, but the store has unfortunately closed down. :( All the best on your hunt! And glad you’re better! :)
    .-= Jus´s last blog ..Thankful Tuesdays- A long list =-.

    Oh yes, I have tried that cafe before in Suntec, it’s pretty good.

  2. hey, bring me the next time. I promise to be bright and cheery!!
    .-= kole´s last blog ..Raye- Inspiration =-.

    Yeah…we should do a photo-taking excursion in Chinatown for just us amateurs :)