Archives for July 2011

Australia 2011 – What we ate

The thing about holidays is that food is often a big part of the whole experience. However since I have never been really much of a foodie to start with, I only took  photos of the food that gave me the strongest impression at specific moments. All other meal moments during the holiday, I was either too lazy to whip up the cam or the other meals were not much to look at or to remember.

Seafood Paella

The first home-cooked dinner that greeted us when we arrive at Nick's place

on our first evening in Sydney.


The first burger that Kyle and I had in Tasmania was in Fricynet Lodge (after a 3 hour drive). The best part about the dish was not so much about the burger but the shoe-string fries, which also came with a breathtaking view of Cole's Bay.

Beef Burger and Shoe String Fries @ Fricynet Lodge Cafe


The second time we had rice was on the way back to Hobart from the East Coast of Tasmania. It kind of eased Kyle's and my cravings for Japanese food, after having to eat fried seafood and fries during every other meal in our time at the East Coast.

Japanese at Kabuki by the Sea

Fresh Tasmania seafood Japanese lunch that came with a breathtaking view. Swansea, Tasmania


The best thing about Australia's food has to be the breakfast that we had in Tasmania. Since Kyle is a major pancake fan, we went with pancakes for the 2 breakfasts that we had in Hobart, Tasmania.

Buttermilk pancakes with maple syrup, topped with crispy bacon

Italian cafe at Salamanca


Berries Pancakes at another cafe Salamanca Square, Hobart Tasmania

Will be posting more of what we saw and did in Tasmania, once I am able to find some down-time to blog.

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