Photo *Heart* Fridays – Checklist


That’s a checklist that K created while he was packing his bag for our trip to HK this week.

Do you have checklists too? I have. Rather, I used to have them, until the number of ‘things to do’ started overflowing one page. I finally gave up writing on paper and went with keying tasks into my mobile phone every Sunday night, for the top key things I need to complete for the week.

I have learnt that while I may be able to do many things, I can’t do them all at the same time. One way I found that really works for me to list the priorities, to separate out the urgent vs the important things in my life, and stop being a perfectionist.

So what’s your way to get your ‘to-do’ list completed in the week?


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  1. hahaha! I’ve never asked my kids to prepare checklist this way! Would have been funny to interpret their drawings! Have a good break Rachel!
    Adeline´s last blog post ..Building Up Responsibilities.

    Rachel Reply:

    K was the one that initiated his own list…I guess he saw me creating my packing list and wanted to create one for his own

  2. Ohhhhh.. YUMS! HK! My all-time fav spot for food and chill time!!!! ENJOY! Eat more of everything
    NerdyMum´s last blog post ..Sprouting poetry

    Rachel Reply:

    Food is great is HK, but too much of it after a while…haha

  3. My kids don’t have a checklist but they do pack their own bags before we go off for a holiday and I double check them.
    Dominique@Dominique’s Desk´s last blog post ..Monkey Boy Cooking on a Friday

    Rachel Reply:

    Yeah I think it is good to get kids to pack their own bags and teach them responsibility and initiative

  4. What a great way to get kids to learn organisational habits and get involved in the packing even if they don’t fully know how to read/write yet… just ‘draw’ out your packing list! Genius!
    Serenely´s last blog post ..Have a super weekend

    Rachel Reply:

    Kids love to imitate things that adult do…so its like his own version of his packing list

  5. Aiyo so cute his packing list! I shd teach my girl this! Hehe

    Rachel Reply:

    One J starts to draw and write, I think she will start to initiate her own list when she sees u doing it