Portraits of a Singapore Mom Blogger 1


“Both my paternal grandparents were locally born but we hearsay our ancestry line moved from Indonesia to Terrenganu to Singapore.

My dad married my mom, who is a true blue teochew! So, I am only a half-bred nonya.”

What is your earliest memory of your heritage?

“I think the most memorable moments learning about my heritage was visiting my paternal relatives during the Chinese New Year. It helped that I was always rooted at my seat and trying to figure out the language, so unlike the younger generation today. It is likely that I picked up my knowledge of basic Malay and a fair bit of ‘peranakan language’ from them. (Peranakans converse in a mixture of English, Malay and Hokkien).

My parents were already rather modernized when they wedded in the 60s. There was, unfortunately, no specific tradition that has been carried forward except for the food. My mum leant peranakan-style cooking from my paternal grandma who taught her the recipes.”

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“My grandma was the only nonya whom I knew who faithfully wore her Kebayas at home, as she lived with us till she passed on when I turned 16 years old. It was a pity that we were not very close and there wasn’t any keepsake from her that was handed down, as it was only distributed amongst her daughters.

However, my 2nd brother elder brother, Alvin, who is very much into preserving the peranakan heritage, helped formed and helms ‘The Main Wayang Company’. Which actively promotes the unique Peranakan culture locally and overseas. Do check out some of the music that he has composed and produced.”

“…I do have a few memorabilia presented to me by my brother; a Kam Cheng and some porcelain spoon ornaments which I proudly display in my home. These are things that remind me of my heritage. ”

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Of all the things you have learnt from your parents (in terms of tradition and culture), what do you feel was the most valuable?

“I think I like the way I have been shown what is true love and stay humble in life. My mom came from a very well-to-do family before she met my dad, who was working in a factory prior to becoming a teacher. In those days, money was very hard to come by. She chose love and trust (my dad) versus an arranged marriage to a rich businessman’s son. She stood by my dad in good times and in bad. She never once wavered even though she could have had a luxurious life, I honor and respect her for that. ”


So, who is this Singapore Mom Blogger?

It’s Adeline, from The Accidental Mom Blogger.  A mom of 2, a jewelry crafter of unique and intricate creations and an extremely competent home-cook.

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With Adeline’s winsome girlish charms and lovely dimpled smile, it was not so hard for this inexperienced-amateur-photographer-yours-truly to capture these portrait shots of her.

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She may come across as quiet and reserved at first impression. But as I got to know her better this past one year, I have discovered that Adeline has a playful side, yet she can be the dependable big sister of SMB, who has earned herself the nick AOAC – ‘Adeline Oon Ah Che’.

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Adeline also has a matriarchal side to her, (matriarchal doesn’t mean wanting to crush people like cockroaches), that is demonstrated by how efficient and capable she is in running her household and single-handedly tending to the needs of her two children.

Want to find out more about the real AOAC? Then do visit her blog at The Accidental Mom Blogger.

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So who will be featured next on my next installment of Portraits of a Singapore Mom Blogger? Stay tuned for the continuation of this series in the next few weeks.


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Photo *Heart* Fridays – Portraits

A 12

She turned on a gentle fire for the wok, the stew simmered for a few minutes. Then, she gracefully stirred the contents in the wok, ladled into a bowl and artfully scattered garnish on top of the dish. She was a thoughtful host, who warmly welcomed me into her home and served me a gratifying home-cooked lunch that afternoon.

Who is she? She was my first obliging ‘model’ for a new series that I am developing for this blog. A series of portraits that will take a peek into the roots of some Singapore moms, moms who will share their stories of culture and heritage in their lives.

She isn’t just any Singapore Mom. She is a mom who is a part of this community that I have grown to love and appreciate; she is a Singapore Mom Blogger.

Can you guess who she is? A clue, she has Peranakan roots. Do look out for first post next week on Portraits of a Singapore Mom Blogger, and you will get to see who she is!

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Photo *Heart* Fridays – How to Capture Sunflares from your Phone


I have been obsessed with sun-flares since this first sun flare that I managed to capture with my iPhone (photo above). Too often in the mornings, I will be pointing my phone’s camera lens towards the sun trying to position my phone for that perfect shot of the flare, and have since gotten used to weird stares from passer-bys.

Once you are able to capture your first sun flare with your phone, it does get rather addictive. Either that, this is just one of my monologues, to confirm that I am like the only phone camera geek here.

If you are keen to try capturing your own lensflare / sunflare through your phone’s camera, here are some practical tips I have learnt capturing sun-flares from my phone :

1) It has to be a clear day when the sky is blue. The sun will be contrasted against a blue sky.

2) One of the best way to create the sun-burst effect is to have something in front of the sun to block part of the sun rays. It can be trees, buildings, clouds. Or you could easily pick up a leaf to block the sun, only allow some of the sun’s rays to emerge over the edges of the leaf to create lines of light.

3) No mid day sun please! I have found that the afternoon sunlight is too harsh and all you will see in your photo is one big blob of light over the sun. The sun is best before 9.00am or later in the day.

Sunflare2Photo on left taken at close to 6.00 p.m., while the photo on the left was taken at about 8.45 a.m.

4) Hold your phone camera towards the sun, and there will be some eye-squinting involved in this exercise but it helps not to stare directly at the sun. Tilt your phone at various angles so as to achieve that light refraction from the lens. Go on and click even if you can’t see anything, change to different angles and capture the photos. Trial and error can be really helpful here.

5) Once you have captured the sun flare, be careful not to have your photo too bright (i.e. over-exposed).  One easy way I have tried, is to darken the exposure and increase the contrast of the colours. My favorite post processing apps available from the App store are Filterstorm and Snapseed.


One final tip.

Experiment, experiment, experiment! Don’t give up even though your first few attempts are not successful. I think sun flare has that bit of time and chance involved, and part of the fun of capturing sun flares, is that you never know what photo you are going to get at that moment when you snap the photo.

Who cares even when your photo is not sharp or not perfect, what matters is that you are having fun and capturing these beautiful moments with your phone camera, that you might otherwise forget.

So if you do get into one of those geek-wielding-phone-camera moods, do use these hashtags #happyflare #lensflare #sunflare #sporemombloggers when sharing your happy flare photos on Instagram. Will be looking forward to see your captures!


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