Archives for April 2008

Homosexuality 101

Spent like the last hour watching a video link that was given by on what causes homosexuality in human development.

I must say that it has been extremely informative and it does answer some of the questions that I have had in regards to the root cause for homosexuality. According to the speaker, Dr Julie Harren Hamilton, homosexuality is not a choice. The two schools of thought which are both inaccurate, the first one that believes that it is biological, i.e, people are born gay and the other one that assumes that homosexuality is a choice. Contrary to belief, people do not choose to be gay as ‘we do not choose our behaviour but do not choose our attractions and desires’. It is driven by feelings and thus is not a conscious choice.

So where does it come from then? Dr Hamilton believes that it stems from a development issue from childhood, and there are numerous factors that drive this development.

1. Gender identity – the way that a person sees himself according to his own gender. How masculine/feminine he sees himself

2. Perceptions of the child – what the child believes

3. Temperament of the child

Enviroment + Temperament = Homosexuality

The relationship that the child has with his mother and father, as well as alternate caregiver has an influence over his gender identity. Also as he goes to school, the relationship with his peers of the same gender is crucial as well.
All these factors then come together with the influences of the child’s temperament and his various experiences will determine his orientation.

One very key person that will direct this path for a boy especially will be his father.

From the age of 2 and a half. A child faces a challenge of begin separating his attachment from his mom and attaching himself with his father. Through this relationship with his father, he develops a sense of identity. He looks up to his father to answer this questions for him, ‘What are boys are about? What should boys do?’ All these questions are happening at an unconscious level.

From 2 1/2 to 4, he starts to break away from his mother and attaches himself to his father. And his father will need to answer those questions by
– spending time with his son
– showing and interest in his son, particularly showing interest in what his son is interested in
– verbally affirming his son, ‘I am so proud of you,’ ‘You are so strong’ etc
– conveys by physical touch like hugging and holding, it is through physical touch that the boy develops a sense of his masculine body

Now I understand why societies in asia have an influx of homosexuality. Traditionally, the men has always left the care and subsequently development of the child to the mother. Fathers have generally neglected the importance of bonding with his son, either that because of the stress that men faced in their jobs. They often became very short tempered, and become loud and explosive in when they become angry. As a result, the child does not feel safe to leave his attachment from his mother to someone he perceives is like a monster.

As male chauvinisim continues to rear its ugly head in asian societies, it is common for fathers who think that they can help their son when they do not measure up by saying things like, ‘Quit acting like a sissy,’ ‘You are acting like a girl,’ ‘You are mama’s boy’ etc. Although well intended, it can be extremely damaging when the sense identity of gender is forming for the child.

For a more complete run down of this video, you can click on to read a verbatim version of the talk by Dr Hamilton or go to this website for the video The video covers a small section on Lesbanism, which I will add it in my paraphrase verbatim version as well.

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So, what do I want?

I am not certain what is it that I truly want for myself in this life. Some questions I have asked myself :

– Do I want to be working in a marketing job till I am 45 years old? And having to manage a routine like that daily; wake up-go to work-spend 8 hrs at work helping a corporation sell something to the masses-leave work for mom’s place-have dinner-leave for home-play with Kyle for an hour-read a book-go to bed

– The big question will be what will I do when I leave the corporate world when I am 45. Find a second career? Obviously my kids will have no time for me.

The weekend drill is slightly different; struggle to get up early at 9am-try to play with Kyle while trying to keep awake-while Kyle naps, spend some time on the net-bring Kyle to class-come home to stone with Keith and watch DVD. Start to feel depress on Sunday evening thinking about having to go to work the next day.

As for the relationship with the hubby, we dont seem to have much time for one another. He is either travelling or I am travelling…the only time we have are the weekends, which is mainly shared with the little one.

Is that all life is about? If life is about making choices for ourselves, am I making the right choice with my life? Somehow I feel that my talents left dormant and passion does not seem to exist in that area where I spend more than 8 hours daily on the weekdays.

I fear to take that step into the unknown, the many ‘what ifs’ just run through mind; what if I fail if I decide to move away from familiarity? What if I just lose total interest and passion again? What then should I do after that?

Maybe I should stop thinking too much and just wait patiently for His confirmation.

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Can I teach?

Received the books from Amazon this week and I started on this book Mommy, Teach Me! by author Barbara Curtis, a certified Montessori teacher, Christian and mother of twelve.

The fundamentals of this book is built on the belief that the preschool years are the most valuable for building character and a love of learning. And all mothers are made by God to be able to teach their own children.

Some key strategies that I have learnt from this book that will help release a mother’s teaching ability :

1. Observation
Make purposeful observation when your child is not aware
– What are his favorite activities?
His favorite activities are hitting the ball with his kiddie racket or golf club

– How can they be adapted to create more learning opportunities?
Hmm…have to think about this

– What frustrates him, distracts him and makes him worried?
The TV distracts him, so does grand-dad being around him. Frustrate or worried – no apparent action or thing at this point.

– What produces a look of accomplishment?
When he hears praises like ‘well done’, or when we clap when he does something well

From observing, you will discover your child’s potential and his unique gifts.

2. Understanding
Make the effort to see the world from your child’s eyes

3. Flexibility
Keep an open mind and always be ready for change

4. Confidence
Whatever you do, don’t give up. Just keep moving as there will be small successes everyday, just do it to the best of our ability

Use these strategies with the five potentials of how to release your child’s learning ability :
1. The child’s need for Independence
2. The child’s need for Order
3. Teach the child self control
4. Encourage concentration
5. The child’s potential for service (desire to help)

I am going to make an effort to start on this strategies from tomorrow and make myself a better teacher to Kyle. The only challenge that I face now is the amount of time that I am able to spend with him :(

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