Can every weekend be just as exciting?

This weekend must have been pretty exciting for Kyle. It started with the piano that arrived on Thursday. He loves sitting by himself at the piano and playing the keys, and often asks for his 3 favorite tunes to be played; Incy wincy spider, Happy Birthday and Wheels on a bus.

Then he was allowed to stay up an hour past his bedtime on Friday night, at 10.45 p.m., for part 1 of Grand-dad’s birthday celebration.

As for Part 2 of Grand-dad’s birthday celebrations on Saturday night, Kyle got to sing Happy Birthday 4 times and had the chance to blow out a lighted candle twice, one of which was presented to him on top of the cheese platter. Looks like we will be celebrating Kyle’s ‘birthday’ another 4 more times (since we have another 4 more birthdays leading up to the end of the year) before he turns 2 in March ’09.

He got to enjoy his milk in daddy’s cuddly lap this afternoon, while taking in the greenery and the serene view of the eco garden’s lake in Botanic Gardens.

As well as got to feed the turtles a whole packet of cream crackers! Actually it was dad who seemed more occupied feeding the turtle the crackers than Kyle. Although I must admit that it was quite a sight to see the turtles scrambling on top of one another to get to the crackers.

Like always, he will refuse to take his nap whenever the helper is off for that day. But it was no struggle to get him to sleep before 9 p.m. this evening, must have been totally pooped out by all that excitement this weekend. Hopefully he sleeps till later in the morning and spends next few days taking longer afternoon naps, which will give mommy the much needed ‘me’ time.

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