Archives for March 2009

Taking on a tot

It has been getting increasingly difficult to convince K to be a willing participant for his daily routines; especially when he needs a change of clothing, take his bath, brush his teeth or clean up before bedtime.

There will be a struggle every single time.

I found some solutions to reduce the struggles :

For bath-time, I am awaiting my order of some colour tints to make coloured baths (K is quite over the wonders of bubble bathes) and a new bath toy from Amazon.

To reduce battling with a stubborn tot to get him to change his clothes –
I have walked out of the house a couple of times, and he gets really upset when I leave without him. Hopefully he will soon realise the negative consequence of his actions.

To get a willing tot who brushes his teeth –
K now brushes his teeth, while standing on a chair and in front of a mirror. I suppose letting him see his own reflection, while his teeth is being brushed, helps him stay focused on the task.

Still haven’t found the solution to get a willing tot to clean up before bedtime. K runs around the house, expects to to chased, and I literally have to pinned him to the ground, for his shirt to be taken off.

Sigh…no one ever told me that being a mom will have countless days filled to the brim with inane problems such as these.

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“Play sand, play water”


When I asked K yesterday what he can do at the park, he replied, ‘Play sand, play water.’

That surprised me, as he is still able to recall what we did the last time we went to Jacob Ballas Children’s garden (which is almost 2-3 months ago).

He seems to be storing all that information in his little brain for that past few months and is finally able to utter the words with his recent vocabulary explosion in his speech. He surprises me everyday with new words, using them at opportune moments.

He requested for ‘One more time’, when I told him that it was time to leave the water fountain. Told me last week that ‘Me upset,’ coupled with a sad face when I refused him something. He wanted to ‘Rinse hair’ of the shampoo when he took his bath. Always tells us ‘No talk’ when Nana and I have a conversation when he is playing. When I ask him if he did something, his reply will be ‘didn’t’. And he tells me that he wants to ‘Go school’.

We have many conversations together, he answers my questions and tells me short stories. His favorite is, ‘Granddad catch lizard…Kyle.’ (translation : the one where Granddad catches the monitor lizard by the tail and calls him to look at it).

Richard Scarry’s ‘Best Word Book’ has been really useful to help increase his vocabulary. We have started reading some chinese books and he loves saying, ‘Heavy, zhong4’ and ‘Light, qing1’ when he holds things in his hands.

And to digress, after his frequent requests and demonstrations from me how to blow saliva bubbles, he has somehow learnt how to blow his own saliva bubbles. And whenever he does it, he has this mischievous glint in his eyes.


With his friend, Seth

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