A nostlagic trip

If you were born in the 70s like me, chances will be that you would have spent some Saturday afternoons in your childhood years watching The Electric Company. The Electric Company in its time was credited with helping many kids in the 70s and 80s to learn how to read.

So when I saw the The Best of The Electric Company set of DVDs available online, I had to get it for nostlagic reasons.

Looks like educational television in the 70s was definitely better than many of the dumbed-down educational programs we have on cable nowadays. The Electric Company was designed to be a phonics teaching medium that is light years ahead of many educational shows of today. I love the simple humour they had on the skits, plus seeing talented actors like Morgan Freeman and Bill Crosby in their early days is really quite amusing.

K watched a couple of episodes this afternoon, he loves the Spiderman skits and calls this ‘the funny show.’

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