A good friday

Finally! Our home learning is back on track, right after I jump started my dwindling ‘engine’ last week.

I am quite pleased with myself to have drafted out weekly Literacy, Math and Science activities leading up to June. The challenge now is to consistently ensure that we do activities at least a couple of days a week. K’s response and enthusiasm for home learning has been extremely heartening. He wants to do more lap books and consistently asks to do activities every other morning. This is just an indication that he is so ready to learn, I do hope he shows the same enthusiasm at school.

I pulled out the water/sand table and got him to do some exploratory activities (start of beginning Math concepts); comparing more or less and experimenting whether items sink or float.Gd3Gd4Cleaning up has to be a crucial part of any home learning / play activity and K is more than willing to help…

Gd2After all that experimental and cleaning, he worked up an appetite and volunteered his help by preparing/eating the toppings off the pizza.


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