Archives for May 2010

Nature’s wonders


The balmy breeze of the wind on your face on a hot day, a ray of sunlight peeking through a clearing of a canopy of trees. Flora and fauna with their intricate patterns and glorious bursts of colours. A bird clapping its wings and rising vertically above the trees, circles slowly, gracefully gliding on outstretched wings. The hint of fresh, yet rich earthly scent of the grass, trees and soil. The whisper of the rustle of leaves in the breeze, the harmony of birds twittering, the faint gurgle of water trickling down the stream and the chirping of the crickets breaking into a light lilting air.

Nature opens a feast for our senses and never fail to make me stand in awe of my Creator who made nature so wondrous for our enjoyment and appreciation. He uses the most detailed threads to weave nature's patterns, so that every piece of its fabric reveals the composition of his marvellous tapestry.


Re-acquaint yourself with nature with child-like wonder and you will see that nature will be able to bring delight, enlightening insights and memorable experiences for you and your child. So when was the last time you have spend some time in nature? 

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My 3rd Mother’s Day


My first mother's day gift and card from K. He came out of class this afternoon toting these two items in his hands and said, "Mummy, I love you!"

He probably had quite a bit of help from his teachers in school to put this together, but it sure warms my heart to be able to receive this from him for the very first time.

Here's wishing all moms a Happy Mother's Day for this coming Sunday!

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Progression and regression


It has been a busy week.

I took almost a week to get used to the new routine of sending K to school in the late morning, driving home for lunch to spend some me-time for about 2 hours and then going back to pick him up from school in the afternoon. While K seems to have taken to the idea of school like a duck to water, and he has not shed a single tear at all. 


His adjustment to school is a progression, however there seems to be some regression in other areas. Specifically, when it comes to his home routine.  He will refuse to take his afternoon nap (which has been shifted to an hour later than usual due to school), and will get clingy and battle with me for at least half an hour before settling down to sleep. Instead of continuing with my usual method of discipline which did not work, I decided to indulge him a little and soothed him to sleep.

Attending pre-nursery is still a huge change to routine, even though he might not display his discomfort with it in public. Maybe I have been in too much of a hurry and placed too much value in seeing him display signs of independence. All at the cost of ignoring his essential emotional needs.

I suppose he will let go when he is ready. And I will need to remind myself to stop trying to rush him through childhood.

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