Nature’s wonders


The balmy breeze of the wind on your face on a hot day, a ray of sunlight peeking through a clearing of a canopy of trees. Flora and fauna with their intricate patterns and glorious bursts of colours. A bird clapping its wings and rising vertically above the trees, circles slowly, gracefully gliding on outstretched wings. The hint of fresh, yet rich earthly scent of the grass, trees and soil. The whisper of the rustle of leaves in the breeze, the harmony of birds twittering, the faint gurgle of water trickling down the stream and the chirping of the crickets breaking into a light lilting air.

Nature opens a feast for our senses and never fail to make me stand in awe of my Creator who made nature so wondrous for our enjoyment and appreciation. He uses the most detailed threads to weave nature's patterns, so that every piece of its fabric reveals the composition of his marvellous tapestry.


Re-acquaint yourself with nature with child-like wonder and you will see that nature will be able to bring delight, enlightening insights and memorable experiences for you and your child. So when was the last time you have spend some time in nature? 

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  1. Your description of nature is so beautiful.
    Errr… well, as for your last question, it has been a very very long time since we spend some time in nature. I don’t really know how to appreciate nature in such a hot weather :(
    .-= Tin´s last blog ..Independence =-.

    Singapore’s weather can be terribly hot…however most of the time I tend to over-look it when I get so caught up by the beauty of nature.

  2. I really like the nature pixs you took :) And the pix of your son is so natural and cute! My family goes for hikes around the nature reserves in Singapore. But lately, we spent more time at the beach. We were at the East Coast beach the weekend before last. Does the crowded beach count??
    .-= Eileen´s last blog ..Learning Japanese =-.

  3. I can’t remember when was the last time I spend time in nature.. hahah. Where is this place? Botanical garden? Very nice photos here… your boy sure love nature!
    .-= Serene´s last blog ..Xixi’s New Outfits & Shoes =-.

    It is in Bukit Batok Nature Park…Singapore has got a couple of natural parks situated in the west. U should really spend time with Chen Xi in nature, it helps to encourage kid’s observational skills and love for nature.