Father & Son

Keith has been rather busy for the last couple of weeks and hasn’t been spending much time with the little boy. Kyle had no qualms to tell his dad how much he missed him, from the moment Keith carried him from the car to the entrance of the park, he held on tightly to dad.

It’s endearing to see how our little boy is so openly affectionate with dad, as some kids will grow out from being so generous with their hugs and affections after a while. I am still hoping that Kyle will never run of his little bear hugs.

Another father and son bonding moment – taking a respite from the heat.
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  1. Such moments of bonding between father and son are precious. Once a boy becomes a teenager, these moments usually become rare or non-existent.

  2. mockingbird – it is true, that’s why I always encourage hubby to bond more with his son. Father is always the best role model for ths son – boys will learn all the good things, as well as bad things from the father.