
I met a long time friend, M with her 8 month old son Cayden for lunch this afternoon. M and I went a long way back. I have known her since we were in primary 5, went to different classes in secondary school, lost contact while we were in college, then met again in Melbourne during our university days. Despite not keeping in touch frequently these past few years, we always seem to click really well with one another and have endless topics to talk about.

Somehow our paths always crossed and it is great to be able to maintain this friendship.

K met Cayden for the first time this afternoon and he did not seem too sure how to approach a baby much younger than he is. I got K to pose for the camera with Cayden and his expressions seem to have implied these responses:

Mum: : “K, hold Cayden’s hand.”K : “Do I really have to?”

K : “I am holding his hand now, hurry and take the picture.”

Mum: : “K, smile for the camera.”

Just one of his many variations of a smile.

Probably K was thinking that baby C is not very interesting, since he seemed to be sitting in his stroller the whole time.

I think it is great to provide this socialisation opportunity for K to get up close with a younger child, since he only gets to interact with other toddlers around his age or older children. So M, we really should be meeting up more often :)

I am still not convinced that it is time for dh and I to “have another child to be K’s companion.” I like status quo and don’t plan to change anything for the time being. Besides, I want to be able to have the freedom to travel with dh and K, go back to playing golf and diving, starting an exercise regime (my lousy excuse for this is that I cannot find any time). Now I just find it impossible to squeeze in any of these leisure activities, when spending quality time with K is my priority.

In other words, I have no leisure life to talk about when I am just a mother of one. Some parents make it seem so simple to have so many children. I am simply just not a very good multi-tasker and life will only get some leisure balance once K starts nursery.

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  1. K is so cute, love his cheeky smile. My boy is not very keen with babies or kids younger than him too. He is more interested to play with older kids esp girls. Some parents may take it to heart. It’s good to know that u r taking things easy :)

  2. I suppose it does get worrying for some parents when they have younger siblings for their first borns, and expect them to get along perfectly. But when it comes to younger siblings for preschoolers, sibling rivalry is just part and parcel of childhood.