Charming Easter

“Last book for tonight,” I said to K when we were reading his bedtime stories.
When I finished the book, he scrambled to the shelf to pick 2 books.
He picked up the first book, flashed me a dazzling smile and nodded his head.
“No more K, time to sleep.” Although I have to admit that his proposition was rather hard to resist.
K tried again with the other book, this time, his smile was more charming than the previous one, and nodded with head with more insistence.
Of course, I did not fall prey to my toddler’s persuasive ‘tactics’.

Darn…where did he learn to do that?

happy easter 2009

Posing with ‘Easter cookies+flowers’, made by Nana

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  1. :) Does he take milk to sleep? I learnt that toddler who are having milk before sleep time will easily develope sweet tooth. :( I can’t let ZX sleep without milk now unless he is very tired. (But he will wake up during mid night to ask for milk again)

  2. ahh.. he’s enjoying reading time with u! so sweet!

  3. I asked that question so often too!!!
    Humph! must be those ‘A.B.C.’ that are added into those milk powder these days..

  4. Shuey – K still needs the milk to sleep, still very tough to wean off. I am actually more concern about milk sugars in the milk that may spoil the teeth…but what to do!

    Merryn – K loves to ‘read’ and he is also acquiring a taste for beautiful illustrations in the books. U are blessed to have such an attentive child like Ethan, who can learn words so easily through rote memory.

    Angeline – yes, I am very sure it has to be the milk powder and omega 3 pills taken during my pregnancy :)