A year older


It’s official. I have turned 33 and K is 2 and a half years old. So how different has it been for us?

Mr. 2 and a half is still not toilet-trained; decided that he did not want to wear underwear anymore and will only want to use the potty when he feels like hearing some praise. I am probably one of those few mummies out there that have an extremely laissez-faire attitude when it comes to this. I figured there is really no rush, since K will not start pre-nursery till mid next year and I am sure he will not be in diapers when he gets to primary school. It is often easy when you have an eager-to-please toddler, but a totally different story when you have a little strong willed toddler whose daily mantra is ‘I already made my mind on what I want today.’

The terrible twos behaviour can get quite bad on certain days. He can get extremely demanding, impatient, bad tempered, screechy and will be bawling his eyes out if he does not get things done his way (Picture above was taken after one of those tantrums, see the tear stained eyes). Other times, he is this animated, enduring and loving little boy.

Parenting him does take some tact, reasonable negotiation skills and lots of patience. In the words of my mom, an experienced parent of 3 children, “He is really not easy.” Okay, I am not that exactly looking forward that he will grow into that ‘not too cute anymore stage’ in a couple of years time.

As for me, I am contented with life and I thank God everyday for letting me be a full time mother to K. Watching him grow up has been a joy, and I am glad that I have finally came to a point where I am not at all bothered by my lack of financial independence or perceived future security.

I think at many points of our lives, we often lose ourselves in the unwritten laws of the societal expectations. Call it denial, eccentricity or whatever, but I refuse to believe that our lives should be ruled by these expectations; most stay-at-home mothers are marginalized by devoting themselves full time to child rearing.

Taking care of children can be tedious and frustrating, but that will probably describe most jobs. The difference is that the time I devote to my child would be an investment in the most important activity humans can engage in. If I was still a working mom…and as K got older and left home, I don’t think will I ever wish I had devoted more time to my career. My regrets will be all about lost opportunities to be with my child.

For me, there is really no higher calling than raising my child.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Birthday highlights yesterday :

Hb and I sneaked out when K was having his afternoon nap, proceeded to Funan to shop for my birthday present and went on to a wonderful japanese dinner at Inagiku. The sashimi was excellent, but worthwhile only with the Dine @ Raffles membership with the Amex card (we got 50% off the bill).

As with most of my other birthdays, hb always got me tech items. An ipod nano and mobile phones a couple of years back, digi cameras, a laptop the year before. He has learnt long before that it is always safer to let me shop for my own birthday presents :)

1st few test shots of K with the Ricoh Digital GR 3; a digi cam with manual controls, without the bulk of a DSLR and can deliver super b/w and quality coloured shots.



Will be kept busy the next couple of days mastering technical techniques of digital photography and capturing priceless shots of a super active tot.

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  1. BIG Boy now. Now kyle, big boys dont cry… but you are not THAT big yet, so it's ok to cry once in a while, rite, mummy? :) cheers. take care.

  2. Mummy Rachel, you look great in the photo!!

    I think K will get over the 'terrible 2' soon and you will have the fantastic 3 then!! :-)
    I am preparing to face my terrible 2…:-(

  3. Hey HAPPY BIRTHDAY Rachel! You look so young in the pic :-) don't look like 33! Good gift you have chosen too!

  4. Happy Birthday Rachel!!!
    That is an awesome 'sneak-out' *giggle*
    and Woah! Your present is superb!

  5. Happy Birthday to a pretty mama!

    have fun with your new pressie

  6. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

    My friend was still toilet training her daughter at 2.5. Poor girl had to wipe up pools of urine after urine from the floor, sofa, etc. But I guess she felt the urge to toilet train her daughter also because she's in child care.

    I guess K will tell you when it's the right time.

    Meanwhile, you are looking great! I hope I look as good as you when I turn 30. God bless!

  7. Happy birthday Rachel & Kyle!

    I agree with you that there's no rush in potty training. When they're ready, they're ready!

    And I like what you wrote about your choice to be a SAHM. :)

  8. Thanks ladies for the birthday wishes…and I am so appreciative of your compliments :) Your nice compliments really do help me feel less 'over the hill'

  9. Happy B'day Rachel,

    May you stay young & pretty always!