To the countryside

It is so not true that Singapore is a dull place. There is actually so much to see and do when it comes to nature, especially when we wander a little off the beaten track.

Located in the North of Singapore is the Kranji Countryside; consisting of a cluster of 10 farms, where kids can get to see how fruit and organic veggies are grown, watch fishes being bred, see thousands of bullfrogs culminate in a single place and get up real close to goats.

Our field trip to the farms in Kranji was more targeted towards the organic variety this time round. We stopped by Fireflies Health Farm to view the vegetable plots and picked up some organic vegetables. Since we are able to purchase the organically grown vegetable directly from the farm, the ones that were available for sale were extremely fresh and at a very reasonable prices. For K, it was a interesting experience for him to see how vegetables are grown, since we have just read the book ‘Growing Vegetable Soup’ about a week ago.kranji1

We proceeded to Bollywood Veggies for lunch. Our selection of chicken curry, mixed veggies and fish and chips + chicken nuggets for the boys were not too exciting for our taste buds, as the bistro boasts of healthy cooking with low salt and no-msg for all items on their menu. I guess our taste buds have been spoilt by our home-cooked food which is often laden with gravy and sauces for extra taste.


The boys much preferred eating the fries that was served alongside the fish and was soon back to chasing each other in the cafe and picking up pebbles outside the compound of the bistro.kranji5


After lunch, we took a leisure drive past Kranji Reservoir. Initially planned for the boys to see the scenery from inside the car, but K insisted that we stop for a while for them to enjoy the view. Their enthusiasm for the scenery was abruptly disrupted when silly me stepped into a patch of muddy grass.


Some must-haves for any field trips with preschoolers; wide-brimmed hat for both tot and adult, sunglasses, a bottle of drinking water, wet and dry tissues. And this I have just realised is extremely crucial for any mishaps that could result in dirty hands/ muddy feet / legs; 1.5 litre pet bottle filled with tap water stashed in the boot of the car.

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  1. what a great insight your blog is into your life and I have to admit that I would have not thought to find an organic farm that kids can visit in Singapore. Thanks for opening my eyes a little bit.

  2. Hi Mel, Thanks for dropping by my blog :)