Kyle turns three!

Kbirthday5After an extremely challenging morning with a misbehaving K, dh and I found the perfect excuse to leave the house legitimately (with K’s permission) to get his birthday cake. K was aware that his misbehaviour had consequences and was feeling quite miserable, but he knew that he had to stay at home with our helper.

We quietly put up the decorations in the hall when we got back, while K took his afternoon nap.

When K got up, he grinned from ear to ear to see the house decorated for his birthday party and could not wait to celebrate his birthday in the evening.

Kbirthday1The highlight of the evening was the cake that we ‘pimped up’, Ben-10 style. I skipped the idea of getting a nicely decorated Ben-10 fondant cake and went with a strawberry shortcake from Canele instead. To make the cake look a little more authentic Ben-10 style, I relegated the strawberries and replaced them with green chocolate chips and Ben-10 figurines. It was a hit with the birthday boy, and the adults who attended his party sure were glad that they were not fed a heavy butter-cream cake enveloped with fancy fondant-covered decorations. Kbirthday3


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  1. Nice cake! Happy boy!

    Happy birthday Kyle! =)

    Thanks, Rachel.