Archives for March 2010

Kyle turns three!

Kbirthday5After an extremely challenging morning with a misbehaving K, dh and I found the perfect excuse to leave the house legitimately (with K’s permission) to get his birthday cake. K was aware that his misbehaviour had consequences and was feeling quite miserable, but he knew that he had to stay at home with our helper.

We quietly put up the decorations in the hall when we got back, while K took his afternoon nap.

When K got up, he grinned from ear to ear to see the house decorated for his birthday party and could not wait to celebrate his birthday in the evening.

Kbirthday1The highlight of the evening was the cake that we ‘pimped up’, Ben-10 style. I skipped the idea of getting a nicely decorated Ben-10 fondant cake and went with a strawberry shortcake from Canele instead. To make the cake look a little more authentic Ben-10 style, I relegated the strawberries and replaced them with green chocolate chips and Ben-10 figurines. It was a hit with the birthday boy, and the adults who attended his party sure were glad that they were not fed a heavy butter-cream cake enveloped with fancy fondant-covered decorations. Kbirthday3


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Toileting battle

I have discovered that K is a very determined child. Once he has made up his mind that he wants to do something, he will be firmly resolved to his cause and no amount of persuasion, coaxing or even reprimanding can sway his decision.

Determination is a good thing I suppose. Especially when it comes to personal goals and meeting objectives. But when it comes down to something like; deciding not to use the toilet/potty when doing his big business and sticking to his diapers, I had to try to break his resolve.

For the past 5 days, I have tried to get him to pass motion in the ‘proper way’, but I failed miserably. He stood resolute against the ‘enemy’ (me) and refused to barge. He attempted to be cooperative and visit the toilet when told to on the 3rd day, he climbed onto the toilet bowl and potty for a total of 10 times in 2 hours and still nothing resulted from his attempt. One the 4th day, he sat on his potty for 1 and a half hours, coupled with big yawns, loud exclamations that he was very tired and that he was concentrating and the poop was on its way out, but still nothing.

On the 5th day, I was so worried about his constipation problems that I brought him to the doctor and got a suppository inserted. 10 minutes later when we got home, he had to clear his bowels but still refused to use the toilet/potty. By this time, he was sobbing loudly due to the pain and discomfort, but still refused to poop in the toilet.

After half an hour, I gave in. I could not take seeing him so tortured and decided that this was a battle I chose not to fight for now. I helped him into the diapers and immediately after, he pooped in it. The 2nd time, he could not hold it in and there was a small accident, so I had to help him onto the toilet. After his attempt sitting on the toilet, he cried and said it was smelly and wanted to be washed straightaway. I realised then, that my child has more than constipation issues, he could potentially have a fear of pooping in the toilet or even some form of Obsessive Complusive Disorder. However, I still cannot quite fathom why he is perfectly alright with peeing in the toilet thought.

I will have to let him continue using his diapers for now and revisit this problem down the road. Maybe by the time he turns 4 or 5, he will think that it is embarrassing to be in diapers and decide to do it the normal way like everyone else. I hope so, I do really hope so…

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After 12 days of co-sleeping, breaking routines, skipping naps, K’s sleeping habits have regressed. For the past 3 days since we got back from our vacation, I have to re-train him all over again to sleep by himself.

Sleeping routines have got back to usual, more or less. Except that he is very bad tempered, stubborn, un-cooperative and has started screaming when he does not get his way. When I ask him what is wrong with him, he tells me, “Not enough sleep.” A lousy excuse when he gets up early, too early at 7.30 a.m. and then refuses to go back to sleep.

So I have resorted to using the threat of ‘the hanger’ a little too often these past couple of days. K is absolutely terrified of the sight of ‘the hanger’ and that is probably the only thing that can coerce good behaviour out of him for now. Besides ‘the hanger’, I have another trump card for now; his birthday cake and presents. His birthday is approaching in about a weeks’ time and I have told him that if continues to misbehave, there will be no cake, no presents, no celebration.

Sometimes, all it takes is that potential thought of a loss of privileges, that might get a tot to wise up a little.

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