Photo fun

Two and a half more weeks before the next milestone; school.

Once K starts school, there will be less opportunities to meet his friend Seth and less visits to the play gym. So I took this opportunity to lug my DSLR out with me and captured these shots of them enjoying themselves. It’s a challenge to capture 2 active boys with a camera, probably will end up with mostly blurred shots with a compact digital cam. But the fast shutter abilities of the DSLR makes it much easier and makes it so much more fun to take photos.

gym2The boys had so much fun in the ball pit

gym5Snack break

gym6All game to pose for the camera


I am so thrilled with my new toy :)

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  1. Hi Rach, congrats on owning ur own domain! It is cool and u are so dedicated. Keep it up!

    Thanks Sarah. I am still looking out for new posts on your blog 😛

  2. Wow, nice pictures there.. I bet you already mastered the DSLR skill! By the way, which lense you’re using now?
    .-= Serene´s last blog ..Exploring My New Toy =-.

    Serene, I am still learning and slowly picking up along the way, there r so many techniques that I don’t know. One tip though, try to familiarise with the functions of the camera as much as you can, there is so much u can do with a DSLR. Also read up more about photo composition. I am using the kit lens for most of the pictures except the last two, a 50mm F1.8. Still trying to raise funds for a better walkabout lens for the cam, sigh…they are so expensive.