Family Art

K loves this book that we recently borrowed from the library; 

And he has been singing the catchy tune of the song 'Dem Bones', which is actually a song about the valley of dry bones from Ezekiel 37 :

"The toe bone connected to the heel bone,
The heel bone connected to the foot bone,
The foot bone connected to the leg bone,
The leg bone connected to the knee bone,
The knee bone connected to the thigh bone,
The thigh bone connected to the back bone,
The back bone connected to the neck bone,
The neck bone connected to the head bone,
Oh, hear the word of the Lord!"

We did a family activity this morning relevant to this book. I traced an outline of dh's body, dh then traced my body outline and then followed by K's.



Dh went on to sketch the detailed skeletal structure of the bones inside the body drawing, while K got busy adding in all the other details. 




K knows where is the neck and back vertebrae and the Fibula (the smaller lower leg bone) Tibia (larger lower leg bone) and loves to re-enact the drama of how the skeleton in the book kicks another skeleton's Tibia (or in the shin).



I absolutely love books that we can all learn and play from! 

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  1. So nice to do it as a family!!

  2. did you giggle when dh outline you? I imagine doing it with my dh and us giggling and giggling.
    Cool, i want my own blog too!