5 Craft Design Trends for 2015


These Craft Design Trends were really popular in 2014, but I think its really time to retire these design ideas; mustaches (slightly over-used), mason jars, monograms, chevron prints, nautical style, chalkboard everything and the pineapples (huat ah!).

And embrace these 5 Craft Design Trends for 2015;

1. Colours for 2015 

Neon is officially out, and earthly colors have taken the place of these bright hues.

  • Pantone Shade for 2015; Marsala

Screen Shot 2015 02 02 at 6 50 36 PMsource

  • Gold Accents on almost everything

Gold accents

  • Black and White are still Classics

Black n white

  • Pastles like mint green and peachy pink 

Mint greensource

2. Print Trends for 2015

  • Drop the Pineapples, and move on to Watermelons and Donuts are still cool 


  • Wildlife Inspired Design with Animals, Insects and Birds. I am seeing Flamingoes quite a bit recently. 

Wildlifesource source source

  • Geometric Prints, like triangles and hexagons 

Geometricsource source

  • Polka Dots, Arrows


  • Florals and Feathers

Featherssource source

  • Maps are still in 


3. Handwriting 

In line with the personalizing trend. There will be more ‘handwritten’ fonts that will be used in Home or Wall Decor.

Personalising cards, pictures with your own handwriting have never really gone out of style. If you really need some help with creating prettier handwriting, try picking up Calligraphy.


4. Sewing Craft

Knitting and embroidery are no more considered as old-fashioned craft activities. Knitting and embroidery creations are featured in women’s fashion, home decor and Amigurumi will still retain its popularity amongst knitting crafters in 2015.

But I am sure that there will be more creative ideas sprouting out in Pinterest this year with Knitting and Embroidery.

Knitsource source source

5. Paper

  • Paper Flowers are in trend this year, a good site with ideas to make your own blooms  at allfreepapercrafts.com.
  • Something from your teenage years is coming back and will get rather popular in 2015; Planners!

It’s like scrapbooking in a book format, except a planner helps you be more organized on paper. 2015 Planners will have more personalization with fancy stickers, stamps, drawings and washi tape. Even if you are not a crafter, having a planner and ‘prettifying’ it, is definitely do-able!


This round up of Craft Design Trends in 2015 will definitely be providing a good starting point for ideas in my crafting creations this year.

So which craft trends do you like the most, and will look at incorporating into your crafting or DIY projects for this year?

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15 Things I will Do Differently in 2015

I don’t do resolutions.

I haven’t been much of a resolution setter or keeper the last 5 years, so this post is not so much of setting resolutions. Rather, it is to re-align the changes to reflect the values that matter most to me for my life. My attitude towards these changes that I am planning to take is not about doing things to justify my self-worth, to give myself significance or create a sense of security.

Instead, these changes that I am planning to make revolves around two keywords that God have highlighted to me for 2015.


These two keywords of Love and Redeem the Time will be the ‘fuel’ for the things that I am planning to do differently this year:

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1. Meet an old or new friend at least once a month.

These old or new friends will not include those that I meet weekly.

You might wonder why this is a big deal for me. Many friends noticed that I retreated into my ‘cave’ for the whole of 2014, and wondered what happened to me. Well, I am back! But it’s not the same Rachel anymore. This Rachel is back with renewed vigor, enthusiasm and hope. If you feeling down in the dumps and need a boost, you know who to call to meet 😛


2. Make a point to talk to my parents on regular basis, to continue to show them respect and care.

I stay with my mom on the weekdays, so its easy to sit down to have a chat with her. However, with my dad, (whom I am not living with), I have to make that call regularly to meet for a meal or for coffee, just to find out how are things with him. The first half of 2013, I did not call him or speak to him for 6 months, so this has to change!


3. Message hb more regularly

Having a spouse that works overseas is not the easiest for me to maintain regular contact with. I don’t like to do Skype or talk on the phone (see point 2). So using phone chat apps are the best thing to have to maintain communication. This might come natural to others, but I do need to make a mental note to message or communicate with hb daily. Weird I know, but I have always been very independent, and before I got married, rather introverted. Probably would have remained an ‘old maid’ if I didn’t get stuck with him in my late teens.


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The Christian life is ever changing. A Christian has to be ever willing to make improvements in their character and attitudes, but never compromise their convictions or character.

4. Be a good example.

Live a life like a true Christian and not like a hypocrite, to always practice what I preach.


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One of the best paths to making changes in life, I believe, is to focus on self. Don’t focus on thinking that I can change my parents, my friend who is full of trouble or even my hb. How about the naysayers who gossip about me or have nothing good to say? Forget about changing what people think of me. I will just focus on becoming a better person.

5. Lay aside all malice, hypocrisy, envy and gossip.

Watch what comes out from my mouth. I can make the choice to say encouraging things to build up, or condemning words to tear down. Only speak about others with truth and love. I can be a very straight-forward person and I am aware that truth can sometimes hurt, so I need to be gentler and more cautious with the words I use.


6. Don’t crave for what others have or own, either through experience or through possessions.


7. Be friendly and smile more!

I used to have this frown in my face as I am deep in thought most of the time, but have started making this effort to smile or have this somewhat ‘gentler’ expression. So if eye contact is made, with a stranger, more than 80% of the time, I get a smile back, while 20% of the time I get a quizzical expression 😛


8. Be Giving.  

Not just with money or things, but give my time to anyone who needs a listening ear, some advice or just be a friend.


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9. Write More!

My focus this year is to write more, starting with this blog. Less haphazardly, but with more focused topics that are in line with the mission statement of this blog; ‘Living Life with Meaning and Inspiration.’


10. Craft More!

The second half of 2014, I started crafting again, from where I left off a few years ago. This year I will have more reasons to craft 😉 It will not just be sewing craft, but fuse beads and paper craft .


11. Draw and paint

I took up some lessons on watercolor painting last year and stopped after 10 lessons, due to the lack of time. I don’t plan to continue the lessons but I will spend some time experimenting on my own. Been longingly looking at the jar of watercolor brushes on my desk the last 8 months, and even went to Artfriend last week to buy some new brushes.  So it is time that I do something about it.


12. Write some more!

Not just through emails, FB messages or the phone. I will be spending more time writing to friends through snail mail, but not in the penpal sort of way. Maybe the hb will also get some snail mail coming his way 😛 I will be sharing more on #InHisLoveMail initiative on this blog soon.


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13. To be more consistent, especially when it comes to guiding the little boy with his schoolwork

I was not the most effective mom last year when it comes to guiding K in his studies. By December, his assessment books were barely 1/4 completed, and he only managed to complete another 1/4 of the assessment books during the school holidays, and the books ended up being thrown down the rubbish chute.


14. To be more disciplined to continue my sessions with K for the Ancient History curriculum, and also start on Creative Writing with him at home.


15.  To finally update this blog with more of the Home-Learning articles that was written in 2011-2013 from the old Home-Learning website.

Myplayschool.net, which is now defunct, is a trove of Home-Learning articles accumulated from the 3 years of maintaining the site. There was so much time spent writing these timeless tutorials and ideas, which I believe will be very beneficial for moms who are looking out for Home-Learning ideas to coach their preschoolers.


It’s a good thing I place a cap on the number of things that I want to do differently this year, if not, I think I could probably squeeze in at least 10 more! There is so much to do this year, albeit differently from last year. So here’s to a productive, meaningful and inspirational 2015 ahead!



Next on the ’15 Things I will Do Differently in 2015′ Blog Train will be Irene of Singapore Mom Blogs

IreneSMBA former Flight Attendant who swapped wings for kids. This skinny mom of 3 proudly declares her addiction for food and refuses rehabilitation. She loves taking photos of food and believes that good food are meant to be shared. Even with her wings clipped, and kids in tow, she travels and writes about her family travel adventures. Irene is a professionally trained make up and nail artist who loves sharing tips on how to be a sassy mom.

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Hama Beads Crafting and Giveaway!

K and I first picked up Fuse Beads crafting in June this year when I was planning for some indoor activities to keep him busy during our bi-annual visits to Manila.

Manilawithdad 7

What are fuse beads?

Fuse beads are soft, plastic beads that can be arranged on pegged boards to form various designs. The pegged boards keep the beads upright and allows the crafter to arrange patterns using a varied range of colors, and they can be fused together (using a hot iron and baking paper) to bind the design permanently. The beads expands and melt together under the heat, binding the beads together.

After being left to cool for a while, the final fuse bead craft can be used as a table/shelf/wall decoration, made into a key rings, gift wrapping decoration or coasters.

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There are 2 brands of fuse beads available in Singapore, namely Hama and Perler. Both brands have beads in different sizes, which cater to the developmental needs of children for different ages.

I am more familiar with the Hama branding as I have been purchasing this brand for K and myself from the local retail shops in Singapore.

These are the sizes that are available from Hama beads;

Maxi beads – largest sized beads in the range measured at 10mm in diameter designed for the nursery aged child, 3-4 years old

Midi beads – medium sized beads at 5mm in diameter for the pre-school aged child, 4 years old and above (photo above shows Midi beads on the left).

Mini beads – smallest sized beads at 2.5mm in diameter for age 10 and above, and including adults (photo above shows Mini beads on the right).

Hamabeads 2Mini Hama Beads (left) and Midi Hama Beads (right)

Not Just for Kids Only!

K started out with Midi beads, but now he creates designs with Mini beads.

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For children above 7 and below 10 years old, mini beads can get rather challenging due to the tiny size of the beads, but with patience and a tweezer, it is possible for them to make their fuse beads creations with the mini sized beads.

See the photo below between the scale difference from a Midi Size (left) to Mini sized Hama beads.

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Fuse beads are not just limited for children. Apart from purchasing sets available from the shops in either Maxi or Midi beads sizes. You can buy multicolored beads and find plenty of ideas for making ‘Fuse Beads‘ designs on Pinterest.

I have found that mini beads are the best size to be used for making key rings, gift wrapping deco, embellishments for stationery (notebooks) and coasters.

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Where to purchase Fuse Beads :

Hama Beads Online Store   Perler Beads   Growing Fun


To get you and your child started on crafting Fuse Beads, I will be giving away two sets of Midi Hama Beads for children from 4 – 8 years old, 1 set for each giveaway winner.

To participate in this giveaway, just leave a comment with this post with your name, email address and gender and age. Giveaway closes on 31 December 2014.

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