His (almost) perfect nursery school


Full-time homeschooling did cross my mind once. As I got quite jaded with the Singapore's education system and did not like how the focus on meritocracy can be so stressful for children.

But I decided not to go ahead with it. Maybe it was the lack of courage, or because I was certain that I will not have the discipline to home-school him during his primary + secondary school years. My passion and knowledge was afterall in early childhood education, and I figured that I may not continue that fervour in home-schooling when he progresses to the upper primary levels. Besides, if you have seen how the math or chinese syllabus is like for upper primary, I was sure that I will not be able to follow through home-schooling in the long haul.

When K turned 2, I started the search for the 'perfect' preschool. My requirements for the preschool include; close to home, affordable, preferably a Christian based preschool, a good student-teacher ratio, good environment and a play-based curriculum.  I wanted to K to attend regular preschool to ensure that he learns to socialise with other children in a group setting.

For me, academics is not a key requirement for a preschool. Since K and I have been doing regular home-learning, it will not matter if the school do not put much focus on academics. So I chose a preschool that children can learn through play. Fundamentally, he has to enjoy the process of learning, as well as acquire valuable skills such as socialisation, self-regulation, self-help and is exposed to lots of hands-on activities to train his fine motor skills.

I think I have made the right choice for the preschool. I am absolutely pleased that he gets total bilingual immersion, since we speak little Mandarin at home. I was a little concerned that he will be confused since he understands little Mandarin. However, he picked up the language cues rather quickly and was able to respond to his Chinese teacher.

The teachers also introduced developmentally appropriate activities that needed very little seatwork, extremely apt for active 3 year olds.


I was so glad to see that he had no problem eating by himself and he sat down on his seat throughout the whole meal. Which was a pleasant surprise since he usually will not sit still on the dining chair whenever we have our meals at home.


Throughout his time in school today, I sat quietly at the far end of the room and snapped photos of him in the sly. I knew I should not get involved at all, since this will be the only day that I am allowed to be present in class with him. From what I observed from his behaviour, he needs alot of help in learning socialisation skills. He is not his usual friendly/cheerful self and he gets rather defensive with the other children in class, I hope it is due to first day jitters.


Overall, his response to school is still very positive and I am gratified that this will be a bright start to his next 20 years of formal schooling!

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School concerns

His first official visit to his school this morning. We were there to collect his uniform and settle some administrative matters in preparation for him to start school next Monday.


The verdict? He loves the playground, asked me "Where are the other children?" Inside the school, he inquisitively looked around, really keen to visit his new classroom and asked, "Why cannot be in school today?" 

I am glad that he is so excited to go to school, although I have some concerns about his fussiness when it comes to his preference for specific types of food. I mentioned that he will have to eat his lunch in school and shared with him about the wide variety of food that the school will serve for lunch. 


Mum    :    There will be porridge, rice with vegetables and meat, noodles and lots of other things.

K          :    No pizza? No fishball noodles?

Mum   :    No, but there will be lots of other types of delicious food.

K         :    Must ask teacher to help me remove the stalk because I don't like stalk (he only eats the leaves when it comes to vegetables).

Before I could add a comment…

K        :    But teacher will say eat the whole thing. So I will put the vegetables in my mouth and remove the stalk.


It's heartening to hear that he has already made plans on how to manage things by himself if he doesn't get the help he expects…looks like he's on his way to becoming one independent preschooler.

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A good friday

Finally! Our home learning is back on track, right after I jump started my dwindling ‘engine’ last week.

I am quite pleased with myself to have drafted out weekly Literacy, Math and Science activities leading up to June. The challenge now is to consistently ensure that we do activities at least a couple of days a week. K’s response and enthusiasm for home learning has been extremely heartening. He wants to do more lap books and consistently asks to do activities every other morning. This is just an indication that he is so ready to learn, I do hope he shows the same enthusiasm at school.

I pulled out the water/sand table and got him to do some exploratory activities (start of beginning Math concepts); comparing more or less and experimenting whether items sink or float.Gd3Gd4Cleaning up has to be a crucial part of any home learning / play activity and K is more than willing to help…

Gd2After all that experimental and cleaning, he worked up an appetite and volunteered his help by preparing/eating the toppings off the pizza.


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